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How to install Lost Islands (Android)

Download Lost Islands

For Bluestacks and older Android devices


Android users can skip ahead a few steps

Use Nougat 32 or 64-bit
Make sure your ABI is x86 & ARM for compatibility
All other aspects are customizable

Once booted up, go to settings and find the graphics tab and set the graphics setting mode to compatibility, the game will crash otherwise.

Bluestacks interface

Android and Blustacks

You can download the XAPK through the sidebar (or Ctrl + Shift + B) 
Download the 2.0.2 XAPK and the DATA file
Don't unzip the DATA archive

Download APK (Internet Archive)
Download APK (Onedrive)

Open the Bluestacks Media Manager and import from windows (bottom left corner) your DATA archive.

Open your settings app, go to storage, find the explore tab.

Open up the Android folder, find the data, open com.activision.skylander.lostislands
Delete the files folder (hold left click on the folder until the trash bin icon appears)

Delete the Files folder

Go back until you see the DCIM folder
Find your downloaded data, copy the file (hold left click again and Copy To)
Find the phone name folder
If the folder is not there, click on recent and open the top right three buttons, click Show Internal Storage, now you can copy the files folder to the folder where you previously deleted the other file folder.

Pre-Existing Save

The game is fully playable in this state, but it has an existing save file on it
If you want to delete this and have a clean slate here are a few more steps.

Go back to the game folder
Find the files folder and open it up
Anon.0 should be the folder name, open it up
Delete everything in the folder but don't delete the folder itself

When you open the game, ignore the in-app purchases prompt, and you now have a clean save file!

Fresh save

Note: Keep a backup of your save file occasionally, the game may delete saves randomly
Backup your Anon.0 file

This may only happen on an emulator, but it's nice to keep a backup otherwise

How to obtain more Skylanders (Through cheat engine)

ALWAYS backup your save before using cheat engine!

Using Bluestacks you can use cheat engine to give yourself currency to purchase Skylanders
(This will not interfere with any games you own as long as it's not open)

Open cheat engine and select your process with the glowing button

Cheat engine interface

Find your Bluestacks process and open that
Set your Value Type to 8 bytes (ignore the hex value)

Give yourself Gems / Coins / Energy / Wishing stones

Place the amount of the currency you own in your hex value (No commas)
Click First Scan
Do anything in-game to increase or decrease your chosen value (speeding up a process is a simple way to decrease the game value)
Set your hex to the new amount of currency and Next Scan
Make sure to add your new value to the address list to keep for later (it will reset after leaving and reloading the game)

Click on your value and set it to whatever number you want as that currency

Give yourself Kudos exclusive items


Kudos are no longer obtainable normally thanks the the game being entirely offline now, Facebook compatibility is no longer a thing. Therefore these items are impossible to obtain through any methods other than cheats

Open up your process the same way as in the above steps.
Set your Value Type to 4 bytes and set the hex value to the cost of the Kudos exclusive item you wish to purchase.

For admiral Thumpback it would be 2000 (no commas)

Launch your first scan
Set your Scan Type to Unchanged Value and start launching more scans to weed out any values that aren't the cost.

Scroll to the bottom of the value list and ignore the green values
Start selecting masses of values by clicking on the lowest value, scrolling up, and shift-clicking a value higher on the list. 
Right-click and select Change Value of Selected Addresses and set them all to 0
Attempt to redeem your item, if it fails, select more addresses until you successfully redeem your item
This should not tamper badly with the game, but it may cause crashes. (This will not damage the game)

Hopefully, this process will become less trial-and-error in the future. But for now, expect a lot of frequent crashes until you get the desired item. I've personally had pretty bad luck on my half. But with enough patience (and a ton of crashes) I eventually obtained Admiral Thhumpback.

Known Issues

  • You cannot scan in any Skylander codes (you will probably need cheat engine to obtain your owned Skylanders through gems)

  • Kudos are impossible to obtain in any form

  • Skipping ahead time causes many issues for progression

  • King Cobra Cadabara is unobtainable
  • Wishing Well locks onto one Skylander after a new year

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