Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Roberto Moreno | Prop Design

Roberto Moreno is an environment / prop artist that worked on Imaginators and Trap Team (I can't find info regarding if they have or haven't worked on Superchargers). He did a majority of prop models and designs for the games, such as the various gold that you find laying around, or the breakable objects that you don't even truly spare a glance. If you want to check out some more concepts I have excluded, here is his site!

Various props Roberto made for Trap Team

Roberto also mentions the extra setup it takes for breakable props, "These props were interactive in some form or another and required extra setup time and working with animators, level designers, and technical artists to get them to work as intended, whether it be rigged animation sequences, pick-up items, or destructible props."

Props that would require additional setup

"I worked as an environment artist specializing in props while [working] on Skylanders. Most of the textures were provided by our sister studio Vicarious Visions, who also worked on Skylanders at the time. I modeled, unwrapped, optimized, animated, and set up for destructibles, as needed"
I bet it takes a hell lot of time to get this all done- Roberto has a ton of images of prop sets that even if I wanted to include them all here, I probably wouldn't be able to! Again I have linked his site just in case you want to check out all of it.

That's a ton of props! And that isn't even all of the work he has! Major props (hehe) to Roberto for the insane amount of work put into this! Maybe I should replay Imaginators after all...

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