Tuesday, May 21, 2024

My doodles

I have a lot of random Skylanders doodles laying around my room and in my notebooks, so why not upload some here?

Messing around with a tiny bit of perspective on my design of Trigger Happy

Yes. I have a Skylanders self insert, what else would you expect from a rabid Skylanders fan? I would like to expand on my character some more someday. Most likely in some sort of insert fanfiction... I may be cringe, but at least whatever I'm doing makes me happy.

More perspective practice on Dive-Clops

Hugo running from my poor attempt at drawing a sheep

Dive-Clops Flarewolf
These are smaller doodles from my school notes, these are all drawn from memory since I can't use my phone in class.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

What is Toys for Bob planning..?

Recently Toys for Bob has updated their site to be a cryptic black page with their logo, so what could this mean?

I uh, actually don't know either. Some people are speculating that it may be Spyro 4 due to the purple color, others are speculating Crash Bandicoot because of the tiki mask, which is not the best assumption when the tiki mask is just the studio's logo. Either way everyone is hoping that this is the launch of a new game. Now we just gotta wait and see...

Don't get your hopes up for a new Skylanders game like me.

Monday, May 13, 2024

A followup birthday post???

So a package arrived late for my birthday, lo and behold, the Power Blue Splatter Splasher! Still with its box too! (Ignore the staples... it came like that) 

As for the Scarlet Ninjini, I managed to snatch that up on my own thanks to some wild circumstances. 

So our school held its annual art show in April, and a kid that I faintly knew was interested in buying some art from me, and I knew this kid had Skylanders before due to a conversation I somehow remembered from many months prior. So I instantly, instead of taking money, I asked for a Skylander, and bam, I give him my art and a few days later I come home with another Skylander in my collection!

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Roberto Moreno | Prop Design

Roberto Moreno is an environment / prop artist that worked on Imaginators and Trap Team (I can't find info regarding if they have or haven't worked on Superchargers). He did a majority of prop models and designs for the games, such as the various gold that you find laying around, or the breakable objects that you don't even truly spare a glance. If you want to check out some more concepts I have excluded, here is his site!

Various props Roberto made for Trap Team

Roberto also mentions the extra setup it takes for breakable props, "These props were interactive in some form or another and required extra setup time and working with animators, level designers, and technical artists to get them to work as intended, whether it be rigged animation sequences, pick-up items, or destructible props."

Props that would require additional setup

"I worked as an environment artist specializing in props while [working] on Skylanders. Most of the textures were provided by our sister studio Vicarious Visions, who also worked on Skylanders at the time. I modeled, unwrapped, optimized, animated, and set up for destructibles, as needed"
I bet it takes a hell lot of time to get this all done- Roberto has a ton of images of prop sets that even if I wanted to include them all here, I probably wouldn't be able to! Again I have linked his site just in case you want to check out all of it.

That's a ton of props! And that isn't even all of the work he has! Major props (hehe) to Roberto for the insane amount of work put into this! Maybe I should replay Imaginators after all...

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Christian De Pedro | Skylanders Academy prop design

Alright these are probably the coolest concepts I have seen for the show which I uh, have never really talked about here... Even though I have binged it- lets see... A few too many times to count? 

I suppose I should also make a tag for the show now.

Real quick before we delve into these amazing works we have Christian's art page right here if you want to check out more! Let's kick off with a few environments: The full link

The arena / prison

An absolutely stunning painted hallway

Malefor's islands

I cannot stress how much I adore this matte painted style of Christian's works, it makes me wish I could be in these places and live in Skylands. I also aspire to reach this level of painting... But with my gushing out of the way, here's a few props they also painted together: The full link

Is it just me or does that cheese look really good right now...

Ah the iconic Dread-Yacht!

Sail away~

And lastly we have the paintings from Eon's explanation to Spyro, also giving us a full resolution closer look at the dragons! The full link, again.

For a better look you can click to enlarge the images

I could probably be going out and praising their artworks for days on end, but you're most likely just here for the Skylanders content. Again I will urge you to actually go to their website and appreciate the rest of their works, I also left out a few concepts you can find on their page. 
Thank you for sticking around!