Wednesday, May 24, 2023

MS Paint doodle

A doodle that I made in Graphics Class while I was bored
Boom Jet

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Redrawing AI generated Skylanders

So I've been wanting AI art to burn in a hole, and it still makes me angry, so I decided to flex my superiority by actually making its art comprehensible.

Please, never use AI art, it hurts our work and it's based on stolen assets. Unless you want to generate a video of Will Smith eating spaghetti or something like that, then go ahead, I won't stop you.

Introducing...! (wait I don't have names for these guys...) Eh, I'll build on them later. 

Saturday, May 6, 2023

My Shelf!

This isn't my full collection, this is just my new shelf. 


Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Page Renovation! (Again)

 Again, I'm going through and redoing the page...

Sorry for the inconsistency lol

Monday, May 1, 2023

Birthday Haul!

 Well, I bet you're tired of posts about my birthday, so this is the last one for this year!
My grandma took me to a town a while away where they have a store with Skylanders!

I got quite a few this time!

  • Kaboom
  • Bushwack
  • S2 Shroomboom
  • Boom Jet
  • S1 Whirlwind
  • S1 Lightning Rod
  • S1 Stealth Elf
  • Lightcore Countdown
  • S1 Fryno
And with that I have all S1 Life and Air Skylanders!
Maybe I'll post my collection soon.